Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Burning Heat....


 The orchid is a fascinating type of flower.  There are only a couple of buds yet to open. 

The Asiatic lily looks great right now.  The heat doesn't really bother it much.The heat really did bother me this morning.  I got the knock out roses dead headed but it was too hot to be out there. I didn't get ill and yet I could tell it took a chunk of energy out of me. It really is too early in the season for us to be so hot. We have flooding going on to the north of us and now we have all that water coming down our way. Our Lake Saylorville is said to be expected to raise its level by thirty feet.  The Des Moines River that the lake dumps into will be over its banks now as well as other rivers that come down our way.  It is such a strange thing that our area in the state, southeastern corner is still considered to be in drought.  

We might get rain tonight.  Its too warm to take shots so I am limited on photos today. Thanks for stopping by today.


Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

I like the look of that purplish orchid, so pretty

Far Side of Fifty said...

Your Orchid is lovely! It was warmer here today.

Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

Such nice orchids the purplish one is so pretty