Saturday, June 8, 2024

Saturday's Stuff.....

 The sparrows and  house finches have fledged many birds already for the season. The young sparrows hit the feeders and are really learning how to feed.  The young mourning dove just sits and wonders why it is really up on the railing next to the feed. 

I had two different nests made by robins but they young ones are already hatched and gone. I am waiting to see if they return and have another use of the nests again. 

While mowing the backyard this morning I was able to see the secret garden area behind the big blue spruce tree. I have the antique, old, rose variety planted back there.  It has started to bloom.  It has such old fashioned blooms that one would see at the old farmsteads of the past and also in the older towns of this state. 

The flowers don't last very long but it is an old variety.  I had it at our old place and had to move it because of a room addition.  It moved quite easily and this start was actually a small sprig in the ground that has turned into a fountain of branches now after eight years of being planted there. 



The locust tree in the front is a beautiful tree.  It puts out lower branches that I really don't want to trim. I don't mind too much at ducking under them as they are so typical of the variety. I eventually will cut them back but for now I will just let them sway in the breezes. Thanks for stopping by today.


1 comment:

Far Side of Fifty said...

Pretty rose! I trimmed a few branches this week, I hate the ones that poke my hat when I mow:)