Monday, June 10, 2024

Monday, Monday......



The yucca plant is putting out some great blooms. I moved this from my old place eght years ago. It has a great place in the sun to grow.

I was gifted a new hummingbird feeder for my birthday. It immediately drew in a humming bird within a couple of hours. 

The yellow rose that cut me up during thr pruning is now showing off its blooms better than ever. 

I am so glad to see the hydrangea doing well again this year.  I think I need to move it as I know its parent plants got to be very large. They were on the north side of the house but I think they got more light there than this corner back side of the house in shadow for most of the day.  The renovators of our old house tore them all out so I may have the only surving part of those plants. 

I worked in the yard this morning with my weed eater cutting down water grass and weeds. I have a lot more to do but I did make a good dent on the back yard gardens.  I need to dig up the two areas getting the soil ready for zinnia seed planting.  It may be too late but they seem to grow whenever you get them in the ground.  I also have some marigolds to plant next to my sunflower seeds.  The weather has been good and I can keep at it until I get it al caught up.  I made a run for more groceries today buying more things to stow in  the larder and in the freezer for later use. It wasn't so busy today at the grocery store and everyone seemed to be so helpful to an old man.  Thanks for stopping by today.


Far Side of Fifty said...

You better take a day off soon! You have been real busy!! The yellow roses are so wonderful!

Val Ewing said...

That yellow rose is absolutely stunning!