Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Middle of the Week....

The yucca shows off at the corner of the house. It shines next to a knock out rose and the yellow privet bush.  There are hosta growing there too and some are starting to shoot up blooms.

 As a kid I would only see these kind of plants in the deserts or sand hills of the west.  They would start to show up at western Nebraska as we drove old highway 34 heading into Colorado. The yucca grows well here as well as some of those cactus you see out there.

 I started a new row of hosta along the stairs last season.  They seem a little slow filling in but I know they will do well as I started one two years ago along the stairs.

 These hosta are doing well here at the bottom landing of the side stairs. It ends up being in the shade in the afternoon from the neighbor's house.  It has to do with our house on a 30-60 degree alignment of our lot.

 I snapped this the other day of my carryover begonia.  I think it could use some new soil but who knows when that will happen. I dug around into the two raised bed areas to remove some of the watergrass. I raked it out some and added a new bag of top soil on both areas.  After taking a break I returned with last years zinnia's seed scattering hundreds of seeds.  I am hopping for that rainstorm to get them settled in and start their sprouting. I also threw som emarigold seeds on another area where sunflowers are already planted but are not up.

 My old birdbath full of moss rose is ding well and I gave it a good watering.  It is good the old bath seaks as it will help drain away excess water on the plants. It was a busy morning but I have taken a good break and I am having a good afternoon.  My wife has a roast in the crock pot and the house is smelling good.  Thanks for stopping by today.


Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

Never seen or heard of the yucca, it is different looking

Far Side of Fifty said...

Boy that Yucca bloom is tall! I hope all your seeds come up!

The Furry Gnome said...

Beautiful Yucca plant. How is your wife doing?