Saturday, June 29, 2024

Saturday's Stuff....

 The rains are done for a while. It keeps things looking great for the lily season. My phlox and hollyhocks are perking up also with the needed moisture. 

One of the younger mourning doves that knows where to find free food. When it is tired it just sits down in the seed.

The begonia has been alive for a few seasons.  It winters in the basement and comes out to bloom again. 


 The new finches are making themselves at home. The lonely cockatiel gave me a song this morning as I talked to him. He doesn't do that often for me as he really is bonded to my wife and he sings for her every time he sees her.   

I was complaining that my zinnia seed wasn't growing well. Now with all the scattered rains I have them coming up in all the places that I planted. When they get another weeks growth on them I will start placing them in rows. 

It is too wet to mow this morning and I am not sure that I really need to do it. I have my neighbor's yard to do also now.  I may have to do their backyard this afternoon.  Mine is just fine. 

Thanks for stopping by today.

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