Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Sharing Stuff....

 I was not so sure about the placement of this rose at the bottom of the stairs. It is next to the last landing before one steps to the right to be in the backyard. It was a bargain rose but it really was a good quality rose. I didn't make any mistakes as it is an outstanding specimen. 

I like how the blooms put out different colors and finally change to the one pinkish color. I didn't finally get most all of the water grass out of this bush.  I did see when I was snapping pictures that there are some dead branches in it yet to be trimmed out.

Hostas are great. I can put them in different places and they just fill in a couple of seasons and they are matured and a part of a good design. 

This is my evidence of the salvia taking over the plot. The bleeding heart is going to be moved to save it.  The hosta is holding its own but even the sedum is a little bit crowded.  I will trim back more salvia so they can learn to share spaces better. 

The new young birds are busy at my feeders. The one is a sparrow and the one on the right is a female house finch. The female finch has the stripped patterns on its chest. 

It has been a good day today  I got some work done in the yard.  I successfully found the right kind of string, plastic, to work in my weed eater and I got gas for our grill. I now have two tanks for propane which is not what i planned and the whole story is too stupid to explain.  Anyway I told them I would make the one tank into a coffee table. Ace is the place for sure and I do get to spend more for thngs that I don't need.  Thanks for stopping by today.

1 comment:

Far Side of Fifty said...

That rose is a beauty! Yes I can see the Salvia is a problem!