Wednesday, June 5, 2024




 I made my last trip to visit my wife at the Health Center Home.  I was able to bring her home from her stay at the hospital and nursing home since March 25th. Her five weeks at the center got her back on her feet and walking with a walker.  She can't believe how quiet it is at our home.  There is something always going on night and day at those places.  One of the aids, a guy, actually cried as he said good bye to us. We made some good friends at the home both workers and residents. 

 I have lots of weeds to pull, a few flowers to plant, and general upkeep of the property. I have things to do to keep Della going in the house and I can get some times out side at different times during the day.  I bought a lot of groceries this afternoon and picked up meds for both of us. We are back living together and the house can start to run more normally again.   We both will sleep good tonight.


Far Side of Fifty said...

Such good news that Della is home, now you can both rest better!

Val Ewing said...

That is such great news!

This has been such a long haul for you guys.

A Brit in Tennessee said...

Welcome home to your beautiful wife, so happy she is back in the fold.