Friday, June 21, 2024

Marching Orders.....

 They are not sheep being moved from field to field. They aren't cattle being moved up the road to a neighbor's other grazing field. They are adult Canada geese moving their clutches of young ones from a large swampy ravine next to our large grocery store parking lot. I was returning from the optometrist appointment.  I couldn't figure out why cars were stopped. One does break for them as hitting one would be a big problem. There were two different long strands of young geese following their parents. I would guess that the there were over two dozen of them.


 I call it bee balm. It has had a couple of bad drought-filled summers I think the rains will bring the plants back for another season. Red monarda is the closer term for its name.  I have the pinker color too but it hasn't shown up yet. At my old place it had taken over a full corner of the garden under a tree.


 One of my other daylilies is starting to bloom. I have a new one open but the photo hasn't been taken yet. It is 90 degrees F. this afternoon. It is more like an August day than a day in June. 

I have zinnias showing up in the one flat of soil. It is a mystery as to why the adjacent square of soil only has one plant coming up.

Yep, evidence of one single seed that has developed. I haven't looked at the area yet today. 

Most all of my roses are needing to be dead headed. I think I can do that on cool mornings. The sooner they are cut back the sooner I will get more buds. 

I have a future of cataract surgery now. I was warned at the last appointment that I was going to be needing the work done. The actual happening is going to require a lot of planning and different appointments into the works. I was told that once the surgery does get into the works that they have a waiting list of months. I live with blurry eyesight most of my life but being able to correct it all will be a luxury even at my age. 

Thanks for stopping by today.


Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

The geese at first glance looked like baby emus
Cataract surgery isn't something I would like, I have a problem keeping my eyes open during a standard exam

Far Side of Fifty said...

Yes most surgeries are hurry up and wait. I hope you will get it done sooner than later. Mybe a bird ate your Zinnia seeds:) You still have time to replant!

Val Ewing said...

I was lucky with my cataract surgeries last year. From the time they said I needed it, to ordering the lenses for distance was three weeks.
Then they did one eye one week and in 7 days did the second. I just need reading glasses now.

Of course it all depends on the area you live in for medical availability.
It was worth it.

Hope it all goes smoothly!

KCD said...

I had both eyes done at the same time years ago. the surgeon said he would do dhe worst eye first, and if all went well, he would do the second eye. It went off without a hitch and I have had wonderful clear vision ever since. I had to wait until it got bad enough that it couldn't be corrected good enough to pass our CA DMV exam, but once that happened it went very quickly. I had astigmatism also and they now have lenses that can correct that now, so I paid extra for those, and I now do not have to wear glasses except to read.
The surgeon said he could put in lenses that would give me any visual acuity that I wanted, but he recommended a 20/30 correction. That way, any thing closer than 2 feet would be a little blurry, but beyond that, sharp and clear. I took his recommendation and it was a life changing event. I now only need glasses to read or to inspect something close up. $20.00 reading glasses do the trick. I have several pairs around the house and it has worked out well. Don't be afraid of the operation, you will be amazed at the results.

The Furry Gnome said...

I had cataract surgery on my one good eye and it's made the world of difference.