Thursday, June 13, 2024

A Bunch of CLOUDS

 The morning clouds were moving and bunching in many formations. We are headed to a very hot day again today. 

It is a welcomed sight at my feeder as the goldfinch have not been at my feeders very often. It is a female as it has browns on it more thant the bright colored male goldfinch. 

It was so busy pulling seeds through the screen that it was only one time that it turned to look around the area. 

The many birds are hatching out new ones so I will be hoping to see the goldfinch pairs young ones. 

I spent time in the front yard this morning, cutting back more salvia stems. The hardy geraniums are starting to bud again so I wanted them to have as much light as possible. I also took away salvia from the struggling coneflowers and a hosta. 

Out in the backyard the lilies are starting to show blooms. I had forgotten what the next set of blooms will be but I am now seeing these buds as well as some on Easter lilies. Some other Asiatic lilies have some good buds on them. 

I worked at watering in my zinnia seeds and marigold seeds that I planted yesterday. I was wanting a good rain to do the job but we didn't get a drop as the front went north of us. I should mow tomorrow if I follow a schedule but the heat of the last few days seems to be slowing down all growth now. I guess we have moved out of spring and the summer weather seems to be setting in even though it is early by the calendar. I keep cleaning out water weeds and things do look better. I took off a bunch of spent iris stems and that does help clean things up. The peony heads will probably be hit in the near future.Right now it is too hot to be out there.  Thanks for stopping by today.


Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

Such pretty birds and flowers

Far Side of Fifty said...

You will have a big bunch of Lilies blooming soon!

Val Ewing said...

Yes, we are supposed to have a hot and humid weekend so not being out in the yard working would be a good idea.

We had long grass to cut this week since the mower wasn't here for a few days.
But it will all get done eventually.

Your geraniums look beautiful!

The Furry Gnome said...

I like those passing clouds.