Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Middle of the Week....


The past few days have been busy. A couple of days were spent buying and wrapping Christmas presents. There is a huge sigh of relief that two people in our house has made as everything is now in the mail. The sled dogs in Maine will be busy and the mail persons will be delivering many boxes. 

If I were better organized we could send packages back at Thanksgiving to the Chicago area family but I am not organized at that time. I ended up sorting presents and stowed everything into five different boxes. With every present marked, they can all be mixed and matched to fit into the containers. My wife and I got handy with the packing tape to get it all done.

The snow that we now have on the ground makes the cold weather feel colder. It was a day where the winter coat has to be zipped up and the hood being used.  The trip to the mail box this afternoon was a quick one as I didn['t want to linger out there. 

Thanks for stopping by today.


Far Side of Fifty said...

You got it done! Good for you!

Val Ewing said...

I cheated and bought my stuff on line to those far away and had them sent to the parents to wrap.
That was a lot of work for you to do!