Monday, January 11, 2016

Monday Morning.......

A 50 pound bag of shelled corn is being sold to feed the wildlife.  I bought it to feed the squirrels so they will leave my better stuff alone. I couldn't find it in the bird area as it was being sold over with the hunting merchandise.  People who feed the deer buy this.  At one time the bag did have deer pictured on it but they don't do it on this one.  There is a lot of controversial discussion about the positive and negative of feeding wild deer.  I know one person who does it so he can see the herd of deer down in his valley all winter. I looked the other day and thought I had a deer track in my back yard but then I was confused. It was something else.  We have had a herd of deer seen in the corn field across the street from us when the food is hard to find for them.

You can see the feeder in the above photo of the feeder I am using to feed the squirrels.  This is my cheap feeder that I had just filled.  It hangs in front of the dinning room window with mostly juncos and sparrows eating from it.  I would like to see a goldfinch come and get some of the thistle seed but that has not happened.

I still have only the male cardinal coming to the feeder.  I guess the female found a better place to eat. We had two large mourning doves at the feeder yesterday afternoon.  They seem large compared to the eruasian ring neck dove.  The two mourning doves did not stay long as they were spooked by me being in the dining room window. I don't think they eat whole kernel corn but like the cracked corn that is in the birdseed.

I am a sixth grade teacher substitute today in the social studies room.  It is a lot of energy to deal with all day.  It is a Monday so they may be a little tired from the weekend. We have a partial sun peaking through the clouds this morning and it is said we will be 24 to 27 degrees F. today. It will get colder again tonight.  Thank you for checking in today.


Far Side of Fifty said...

We feed whole kernels of corn to the squirrels and some rabbits too. We had to hang more thistle socks as the Red Polls are really hungry. Still cold up here -29 last night...really cold:(

Far Side of Fifty said...

You are so lucky to have Cardinals at your feeder. There are some in town near the river but not out here in the boonies:(