Thursday, October 17, 2024

Thursday's Thoughts.....


 The moon was still aglow this morning when I went to my 6:30 dental appointment this morning. It really is a full harvest moon. I had to go to a clinic that specializes in root canal work only. At that early in the morning there were four other people there waiting for treatment.  It was a strange procedure and I had lots of things done before I left the place. My mouth still taste like metallic coating. The tooth doesn't hurt but my head seems to be throbbing like I had some running into a wall.

The morning skies seem to always have the jet vapor trails in them. It is almost a given even when their are not any clouds.

The leaves on the red bud are changing now. I keep studying this tree and wonder if I need to trim it up from the bottom. I don't like to do it to any tree but it seems to be a short ball-shaped tree with no height. It is hard to mow under it this way. 


I do get some good red leaves from this ornamental tree in the front yard. They are a shiny leaf and the red orange is such a good strong color. I finished pulling up the last of my dead zinnias this morning. I need to buy bags so I can bag up all of the stem piles. We have had a gentile wind and we did make it up to 70 degrees F. for a short period of time. It really is nice weather. We have been declared in a strong drought condition again as we are so dry.  I still have to get my tulips in the ground. There is lots of good weather ahead so I can get it done. 

I am tired tonight. Thanks for checking in today.

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Middle of the Week....

 A couple of days ago I brought in a few zinnias.  They are the last of them. So today I started today to pull up the dead zinnia plants. I didn't get done with their removal but I will get it done tomorrow. They were slow to germinate this season but they did show off most of the season. 


It is a nice  to have free jars to make into a vase. This jar is an antique canning jar. 



My neighbor Gary passed away a month ago. I will remember him as the one who identified the cottonwood tree. He had a story about his grandfather putting a cottonwood stick in the ground at the corner of a fence. The tree was still there today on that farm as it became the corner brace for the fence. You can see the change of the season, light changes, temperature changes are turning the color of the leaves.

It isn't a pretty picture but we did get a good frost over night. Cars that sat outside were coverend with frost also. I think we will now start to warm up again for a few days. Thanks for stopping by today.

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Tuesday's Things....


The frost doesn't always hurt the roses but I use that as an excuse to cut and bring them inside. I really could do it during all of their blooming season.  I have so many of them that it wouldn't harm them to use them as cut flowers.

I dug my glads this morning.  It was a challenge as the ground is so hard and dry. In some places I felt like I was trying to get through concrete. I guess the more clay that is in the soil the harder it is to dig.  I will get them trimmed back and brought inside  before the freeze. 


 I don't have a rough sink in my basement so my bathroom sink is the thing I use. The former owners put in a nice bedroom and a very nice bathroom downstairs. They didn't ad a utility sink so I try to be careful on the fanciest sink that is in our one out of three bathrooms.  I dug geraniums that never did bloom well all summer. I am hoping to get some blooms over the winter and maybe I can replant some next spring. 


I would love to build something. I don't mind watching others build. This started off with only four beams put up. Last Sunday the neighbor finished his set of beams and it looks so great. They added this to a deck that extends out onto their new above ground swimming pool.  In reality I do think I could put one of these over our deck that sits next to our sunroom. Maybe next spring.Our deck is only ten by 15 feet so it would not take so many beams.

My journey through better dental health has begun. I had half of my teeth, left side completely cleaned and ex-rayed many times. I have an appointment on Thursday that I am dreading. I then will return next week for a couple of more times for the other half to be cleaned and measured for a cap.  There is a stray cavity as of yet to be dealt with but they are so busy do other things.

Thanks for stopping by today.

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Blowing Things Around....

 It is a windy day as you can see in the moving clouds. It is also a cold day which one would need to wear a warm coat. It is too cold for me to grill this day so we will use our indoor grill. 

The sun does cast some great shadows and the dish is standing strong. When they shingled the house they put it back up backwards.  I had to have the company come and turn it back around facing the signals better.

I brought in the two jade plants today as it is getting closer to the frost season.  I have spent a lot of years getting the jade plants grown so I don't want them to get frozen. It was the first time I have ever put them outside but they did like being in the open air. They grew bigger and the leaves are a greener color.My neighbor's had their plants outside and I decided I could do that too. I didn't put them in direct sun but in a shaded part of the deck.

We have had a quiet Sunday staying inside all day. I have two appointments this week both dental related. If all goes well I will have two more appointments the next week related to my dental health.  I moved away from my dentist a few years ago and now I live a mile away from a dental business. It will be an interesting two weeks. 

Thanks for checking in today.

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Saturday Stuff....

 The morning sky started off cloudy and no sun could be seen. An hour later the sun finally shined through it all.

Out of sequence this was my early morning shot with it being dark and gray out there.

I was out this morning clearing away some peony bushes. The ground is so hard around here. To say it feels like cement is a good description. We went without rain the past last month. I am using my lighter weight weed eater to clear out unwanted grass and take out some of the spent flowers. You can see in  this photo that we are turning brown. I am concerned about how I am going to plant my tulip bulbs.  I may have to plant them in my raised beds as that soil has less clay in it and the soil seems looser. I guess I could shrink my zinnia patch a little aat one end. 

It isn't a pretty sight but I cut back my Russian sage and put it in this watering can. I don't leave it to winter over as it doesn't stand up well anyway so I don't want it to sag around in the snow. I have a little left to clear in the front strip garden but mostly I did get it done.

Thanks for stopping by today.

Friday, October 11, 2024

Photo Dump......






 I wish you to have a great day.

Thursday, October 10, 2024





I have had two days of appointments. My dentist appointment is just the beginning of many adventures to get a bad tooth fixed. I have to get a root canal done at another location and I have many dates to meet to help pay the dental industry's bills.  My Endocrinologist was glad to see me today after I had to fight through construction of the parking ramp. The door I needed was blocked and I had to drive down levels to finally find a way to get into the correct elevator to the third floor. 

I lost another first cousin this week. People of my age are passing away at too fast of rate. My late brother had two class mates pass the past few weeks. I did get to see my cousin Don unfortunately at his younger brother's funeral a couple of years ago. We won't be able to go to the funeral as it is near Chicago. I did succeed sending flowers for us and my two brothers to the funeral. The fighting spirit is needed to work those web sites to order flowers. I left one flower site as it was just set up in such a stupid, difficult way. 

No appointments tomorrow for me so maybe I can keep clearing away things in the garden.