Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Grandpa Burgus' House

Murray, Iowa

I never met my Grandpa Burgus so this is what I always considered my Grandma Burgus' house. They had lived in three other farm homes before they ended up in town in this small home.  They had ten children and as they all grew up and moved away this two bedroom home was sufficient for them.

The bay window is a lot like the one in my house where it projects out at least two feet or more.  In the photos below you can not see that.

This is Grandma Burgus holding my oldest brother Ronald probably in 1941.  Grandpa Burgus was still alive then but he isn't in the picture.  He died in 1949 the year before I was born.  I figured that I sort of knew what kind of guy he was as I knew a couple of my Uncles that were built like him and probably had his personality.

The bay window in the background is where my Grandma gardened year round.  I can remember the various plants and cactus that sat in that south window. Tall cactus and old vines that were handed from neighbor to neighbor.  Violets of course were in the window too.  The old fashioned variety which had the single petals and were dark violet, purple.

This photo could have been taken at a different time as the one above.  I didn't change this from a sepia to a black and white.  The stuff in the window looks the same though and dad has been through basic training.  He may have been there for my brother Rex's birth which would have been in 1942. He wasn't serving overseas until the next year or so.

I have one other photo that seems to be buried in my picasa files.  It is one of various cousins sitting on the front porch of the house.  If I eventually find it today I will post it.

I am at the tail end of a three day siege of a very bad head cold.  I am going  back to work today and will just do minimal things.  I didn't have to sub so I can change ink cartridges in  printers and straighten computer labs with ease. I even will sub for the librarian while he, the sub librarian goes up town to buy some lunch.

Thanks for stopping by today at my posting of memories. It seems I have so many relatives that stood on the porches of houses to have their pictures taken.  Sometime I get the porches confused and an older first cousin of mine straightens out my mix up.  Have a good day.


Anonymous said...

I thoroughly enjoyed this post, Larry. This is a beautiful home and I can just picture the bay window with your Grandma's flowers and cuttings shared from neighbors. We have many shots of my dad in uniform with his parents pictured outside their home (usually by the front door). Hope you get to feeling better soon.

A Brit in Tennessee said...

What beautiful memories you have shared.
I can just imagine your grandma gardening, and growing the violets which were so popular back then.
The pictures of the men in uniforms stole my heart, timeless and so much of an example of how proud enlisted men and women were of that uniform.....
Feel better soon Larry, it's almost Spring :)

Far Side of Fifty said...

Hope you feel better soon..I am upright this afternoon and evening after a long morning/early afternoon nap. I think you must have got your Violet Thumb from your Grandma..her assortment of plants sounds just like my Grandmothers..she kept them all in south facing windows on a narrow table the full length of the room. Your violets often transport me there:)