Monday, March 26, 2012

Looking back.......

This guy was in kindergarten in 1955 attending school in Murray, Iowa.  He can remember the classroom and the hallway lockers and seeing some of his closer friends in the hallway, putting on their winter coats to wear while outside for recess or for getting ready to ride the bus home. My teacher Mrs. Willett, wore a dress everyday with red lipstick and spiked high heals. 

We were asked the question today in church about what we saw when we looked back in our life.  I really did squeeze in some happy times between the tough knocks in life. My wife takes me out for supper tonight at an Italian restaurant and I am certain there will be cake for my birthday today. Beyond 60 a couple of years is a new era in my life and I hope I can still remember from here on out the rest of the good years.

I head back to school today after a spring break.  The final eight weeks will come and go fast enough. Thanks for stopping by my post............


A Brit in Tennessee said...

Happy, happy birthday dear friend !
I wish you a lovely time with your wife, enjoy your meal...

Such a handsome little boy, and you remember the the important things, red lipstick and high heels :)

Anonymous said...

Belated Happy Birthday wishes. What a cute photo from childhood.

Far Side of Fifty said...

Happy Birthday a bit late! I hope you got your cake and maybe Della will take you to the bookstore this weekend:)