The little bird that sat in the middle of this lasted only one season. It was made of a cheap cast metal and broke or deteriorated the first year. I always call this "pea soup" because of a movie I saw once. Bob Newhart and Zsa Zsa Gabor were the voices of two mice eating at a cafe. Bob ordered pea soup and in the kitchen a mouse cook was pouring hot water into a bowl and adding one large pea. "Pea soup" goes with any body of water that I see sitting stagnant. I know the story doesn't relate actually but I like to say "Pea Soup."
A project to finish rain or shine is this addition to the deck. I will explain what is happening as I extend the existing roof over it. It will be easier to show photos than trying to tell you about it. I have decided that I can get that lumber cut to length while standing under the porch roof. I just need to find the time when I can actually do it. Those 5 boards will become 10 boards soon. The box on the wall is the new fiber optic cable box. Nothing has been installed but it looks promising.
We are going to get the weather that we get but waiting for the changes will be best if we just stay inside and relax. I gave that plant a medium kind of haircut a few days ago. It is the kind of vine that it just doesn't show where you trimmed it back.
I am pulling old photos from my May file and the oxalis shown here is now safe inside. It will take it a while to bud and bloom again but it surely will.
I am in the library today checking out books and telling people to put away their cell phones as they sit around in the library. I am welcoming the day as it is less stressful than standing in front of large classes of kids. I appreciate your stopping by today.
I am glad you will have a less stressful day.
We got a lot of rain and wind last night with tornado watches. It must have missed you, looked like it was going straight up but moving fast to east.
A deck project! You are busy! I would like Library time the best! I have that same bird bath, my bird is off to the side..I think:)
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