Friday, February 1, 2019

Friday’s Here Already......

All sunsets are pretty much striking when clouds are involved. I took this out front of the  house and quickly shot three different shots. I rushed out without a coat but did have my shoes on my feet. The clouds have lots of ripples in them as the wind and temperatures keep changing. The temps were reading mourned 1 degree F. at the time.

It is still cold and the juncos are glad to find a place to eat.  They seem to stay in the blue spruce and then fly over for food. I can see them entering the tree from top to bottom.  They will land on the snow and walk under the lowest branches of the tree.

I probably over promoted my new plant stand. It was more the idea that I was following its movements from California to our home.  The weather was delaying things and it did sit in a storage area ten miles away for a day during the vortex storm. The origin of it is in China so I can’t identify to wood. I can probably make a lot of them myself now that I have a good pattern.
It came assembled which was a surprise to me.  When I ordered it I didn’t understand their descriptions.  Once I purchased it I realize that there were two sizes and I could have had a taller one.  Apparently the shorter height was the one that was the default choice.  The style of it leans towards the mission style and the fits in with our living room furniture.  Our furniture is described as Amish and yet it does lean toward the mission style.

I checked on the old place today to see if I had any damage.  The water is shut off and I did turn it on to see if I had any frozen pipes.  I did not.  The furnace is set at 55 degrees and it seems to be keeping everything out of danger.
In the past few years I started pouring our milk into a pitcher to have on the table for breakfast cereal. It made it easier to use than to have the whole milk carton to deal with.  The new blue dotted pitcher has been put to use for breakfast milk now along with the antique glass one we have been using.  The other pitcher isn’t used for that but it is used for carrying birdseed out to the deck feeders. If I would go digging in the drawers of cupboards below I bet I could find a couple more to put into use. The Hobby Lobby pitcher with spots was on sale for a song.

Our high today will be 27 degrees F. and that will be at five o’clock today.  It will take it all day to w warm up to that but it will be welcomed.  Saturday and Sunday are going to be days of melting snow. That will be great. Thank you for coming by today.


Lisa said...

I like that plant stand. It does look like a mission style. Or like craftsman style houses/windows. I love that look!
You have such wonderful light there in those windows. None of my windows are fit for plants, and it's really hard for me since I used to have many, many houseplants.
Keep warm and keep safe if you go out.

Laurel Wood said...

Good Evening, I enjoyed the pretty sunset and the sweet little bird enjoying the seed. I like the plant stand. So nice that it came assembled. I love the pitchers. We try to eat our big meal at lunch and usually just have cereal for dinner. I know you look forward to warmer temps and the snow melting. God bless your weekend.