Sunday, June 30, 2024

Sunny Day

 Backlighting keeps me from showing the colors clearly. The birds all seem to think that the stands are a must part of the eating from the feeder.

I did a lot of clipping  back of the spent blooms on my roses. This rose is all trimmed except it had one flower showing off as a lonely bloom. I have many scratch wounds again even though I wear gloves. 

A lone day lily, planted there last season, is now putting out some blooms.  They seem pale and weak but maybe all the other buds will bloom out better.

The rains have caused the tomato plants to take off quickly. Rain seems to always do a better job than hand watering.  The varieties include Big Boy, Better Boy, Roma and one yellow one. I bought them small but they will produce quit well. 

It is a mild, cool day today and we are enjoying the sunshine. It makes for a perfect Sunday.

Thanks for stopping by today.


Val Ewing said...

It was a perfect Sunday. We mowed some and took it easy...the weather was perfect for once.

Far Side of Fifty said...

You will have tomatoes before we do!

Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

Looks like a lovely sunny day