Our morning looked like this with a clear sky. We are warming again today but the cold is coming back soon.We will have a high of 53 degrees F. today. It will get down to freezing again tonight.
It bugs me when I spend more time choosing the kind of coffee and ignore that they are coffee beans. I don't mind grinding them even though one has to do it by the cup full. I use to always grind the specialty kind but I have gotten lazy and buy it ground for me.
I spent time reworking my work center downstairs this morning. I like seeing the aquarium there but I do need the space to spread out my art materials. Moving the aquarium is a project and a half if I do it right. I do have a place that I can move it but then I can't see it while I am sitting there. I guess I need to come up with a table to go in the corner. I could make one or scrounge around and steal one from another area of the house. The aquarium also uses up all my electric outlet options and I have to rig up all sorts of things to get everything plugged into electricity.
Thanks for stopping by today.