The sky views keep showing up so much color. The sunset is obscured by the city skyline of rows of houses. The sky still can be seen even though the horizon is never going to be there.
I took a candid shot today as I was trying to take a movie with my iPad. The sky in the back ground shows we are having a mild day. Some chores were done this morning and then we went to Hobby Lobby. We had some necessary things to buy as well as some fun things to also buy.
I bought a red truck today just for fun. I guess I must be collecting them now as I do have another smaller red truck. They remind me of my Uncle Donald who had a older black truck like this. It was pretty beat up as he drove it for years. Eventually he had to turn it over to the junk yard.
We gave our oldest son a red truck like this that had a Christmas tree in the back of it, There are no moveable doors on it but I still like it.
We are going to cool down again and it will be winter again. The red twig is showing off its red this time of the year. I bought mat board today to further mat up some of our art works. I needed to build up a supply so I can freely create new mats for paintings.
Thanks for stopping by today.
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