Sunday, February 16, 2025

Red is a Great Color....



 We have colder temperatures here now and they will hang around for many days. We woke up to 6 degrees F. this morning and we are headed for colder temps than that.  We are off to church today in spite of the cold and will meet friends afterwards for a lunch together. I am done with appointments for a while but there are some out there in the next months. I finally got a tooth fixed and the car oil was changed. My car has been reminding me to get an oil change for a very long time. I also got my tires rotated and I looked over all the new suv's at the dealership. I had some confusion with my cruise control and it was a control panel problem cause by the car owner. I still don't like most of the new suv's and that's okay as my car, Buick LaCrosse, isn't worn out. It sounds like everyone out there will suffer from the cold for a while.

Thanks for stopping by today.


Val Ewing said...

I was at a dealership too and looked at the new cars and decided mine was still just fine.
Those roses are so beautiful!

Far Side of Fifty said...

What lovely roses! Stay warm:)

The Furry Gnome said...

As long as I was buying my own clothes I would always buy red jackets and winter coats. Great colour.