The cool wet weather revived a lot of the last of the garden plants. The sedum started to turn yellow, but the dead buds have taken on a nice color.

Sometimes this plant, dusty miller is over used in planters, in fact it isn't in vogue right now. It is a striking plant though with it's white to gray color that silhouettes well against the dark greens of flower foliage and creeping Charley.

Hey there are a couple dianthus flowers peaking into the picture. These verbena plants were some my wife planted in front of our business sign. They responded to a little cool weather and some moisture. We are getting probably a couple inches of rain today, as it has been raining off and on almost two straight days now.
I think we might have some of the dusty miller in the garden but I am not sure. Your photo makes me want to go out and check now ... but it is pouring down.
I like that dusty miller plant. I never did know what the name of it was until now.
I loved the Dusty Miller...I should get some for contrast next year in my garden.
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