Monday, February 3, 2025

Random Thoughts.......

 In the reworking of an art work, one has to dig out the materials. I couldn't find my big box of pastels. The simple box of pastel pencils didn't work at all. I did have to move something very heavy to get to my soft pastel sticks. 

We dropped in temperatures this afternoon and the birds want some seeds.

I made a mobile out of long strings of paper cranes. It isn't as dramatic as one that Alexander Calder would make but it looks good hanging in front of the downstairs art gallery. I am not making any more mobiles for now. 

I have been dabbling with my ancestry account.  I have an unsolved problem with my great-great- grandfather Burgus. His name is Friedrich Burgus.  He does show up in some people's family trees as J. Friedrick.  He shows up as Friedrich J. and also Friedrich W.  At the present time I have him down as  Friedrich Wilhelm that another family member is going with on his family tree. He does have a daughter with a middle name of Wilhelmania He had two different wives.  His first wife was the mother of the oldest child, Charles, as seen above. He had five children with his first wife and after she passed he remarried and had five or six  more children. I have a first cousin in her 80's and she is considered the expert on trees and she doesn't have the answer. I have the photo of his gravestone in eastern Iowa and he is just Friedrich Burgus with no front or middle initial.  From my experience with Ancestry these things do get corrected but I am still amazed that nothing shows up giving me a firm answer.

Thanks for stopping by today.


Val Ewing said...

My husband's great grandfather had a first wife that he raised 9 kids with. He remarried after that wife died and raised another family ... it creates a difficult thing for figuring relatives out later as the records weren't very good.

My grandfather had a brother that disappeared after a mysterious murder in a town nearby. All families have cool weird stuff that happens don't they?

Love your paper mobile!!!

Far Side of Fifty said...

Your crane mobile is very pretty! Hope you find some info on your GG Grandfather! I need to do some research, never seems to be enough time in the day:)