Sunday, February 2, 2025

Sunny Day....

 The mornings look better as our days get to be longer. The sun is needed this Sunday morning to burn off the fog.

I made it to Hobby Lobby and bought some mat board. I was out of it for a long time and needed to cut mats for a bunch of things. I was a little rusty at figuring out the process again but I did pull off a few mats. My wife and I ran a frame shop out of our house for 25 years and we cut mats for hundreds of things in that period of time.  This pastel painting that I did was done many years again and just never had a formal presentation done to it.It is a painting done on the shore of Lake Superior.

As I was getting ready to cut a mat for this I decided not to do it. It was back to the drawing board for it. It had smears from being in a folder for 15 years. It had some artistic tweaking that definitely needed to be done. I am in the middle of reworking it now.