Saturday, November 14, 2009

The final days......

I started on Wednesday to put the siding on, without any interruptions from outside forces.  It was cold, but the initial start is always slow as I had to cut around gas vents and a telephone line.

On Thursday I picked up the tools and finished the siding half way up the wall. I have it all sealed in now and tied it into the old siding up in the gable area.  I will finish the siding this spring when it warms up, but for now the dining room is all sealed up on the outside.

I am going to rest for a few days before dealing with the interior situation.  My wife and I have discussed it and made a few plans but want to wait until Monday to regroup and make a final plan on  how to proceed. Since I am doing the work, we have the freedom to move and decide as we go.

As I cleaned up the final items and put everything away, I looked down and saw some final glimpses of green and yellow.  The pattern of  faded glory of field lily leaves create a nice design.
Thanks for reading......


A Brit in Tennessee said...

You did very well, it looks perfect !
Just in time for Winter, so no more drafts and high electric bills.
Lovely !

Tom - 7th Street Cottage said...

Looking good Larry. Wanna come do some work on my house?

The Retired One said...

Wow..your house looks brand new with the new siding and window!! Great job!