Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Tuesday's a Good Day....



There are two of them out there trying to push off each other from the two feeders.  The can visit the zinnias so no one is starving. 

I planted more hostas along the base of the stairs.  I dug them out of the one area of clay and have spread about five of them along the stairs back to the second platform.  I like how they will take off and grow no matter what time of the season as long as I keep them watered. I water the morning glory boxes every day so I can slop over to the hosta to give them moistlure. 

This tomato is destined to be tonight's supper. Add toast, bacon, lettuce, mayonnaise and you have a summer sandwich. We are not keeping up with the crop so I did give three tomatoes to the neighbor to the south.  

I bought three more bags of mulch today along with some edging material.  The edging looks like a lot of work so I will wait on that for a few days.  I bought a new solar light for my front memorial garden area.  I don't really know what happened tot he one that was out there but I have a new shinny one. 

We have cool weather so it is nice to be out working this morning.  I will do some more for another two hours and then I am done for the day.

Thanks for stopping in today.


The Furry Gnome said...

Fabulous pictures of the Hummingbird!

Val Ewing said...

We have yellow tomatoes this year and they are doing great.
That is a nice looking tomato. We've been having ours nightly too with some added to the freezer.

Today will be lawn mowing day since we had rain and nicer temps!