Friday, September 20, 2024




My wife had an appointment this morning at the hospital this morning with a couple of radiologists . We made the time and we are back home. The place must miss me and my eating at the cafeteria. I did get a Starbucks coffee as I was so cold I needed to warm up. The place is so busy that I had sensory overload with the cars in the parking lot to the people just moving everywhere going in every direction around me. I was glad to get out of there. 

Back at home I am working on things in the yard. I am getting to the last of my tomatoes. There are such a few green ones left and it seems like fall is coming too quickly. 

I don't know if I should deadhead my roses. They have been neglected so I may be just trimming them back for winter. The cluster was full of roses in many different stages of blooming. 

The sedum in the backyard is laying down for some reason.  We tend to look like we are in a drought as my iris have flattened and other plants seem deficit of water.

Thanks for stopping by today.

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