Thursday, September 19, 2024

Thursday's Things....

 We were promised to have rain  It amounted to wetting the deck for about ten minutes. It was good to get some moisture. 

My few stems of sunflowers are starting to droop. They are dry but they also are maturing to the point that the flowers will  point down. I have to work really hard to get a good shot of them.

It is a good color scheme as the zinnias are blooming so many different colors. The flowers are starting to age.  I saw a monarch butterfly on my sunflowers for only a fleeting moment and then it was gone. I just didn't get any this year. On the side, my birds are all gone.  I don't know what that means as sparrows seem to never leave.  Maybe the birds that migrate through will start to show up soon. 

My wife's welcome home bouquet has many roses in it. This one lonely pink one really does show off among them all. 

We are making meatballs for supper tonight.  My wife isn't so strong but she can master the ingredients and I can help form the balls.  She can't be on her feet for along time but she is doing better. I will take instructions on the fry pan and doing the cooking part.  Sauce and boiling water for spaghetti I can handle. 

We return for a procedure tomorrow for her.  Hopefully she will have some drains removed for good. It will not be fun to return to the same place that we lived for so long.  We have a new paint color for our new bathroom selected but the paint hasn't been purchased yet.  If I can buy it, I can work on it at little at at time.  I successfully mounted the two towel racks into new locations as the new shower caused them to be taken down. I can just keep on it whenever I find a free moment of time. Thanks for stopping by today.

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