Saturday, September 21, 2024

Weekend in the Works.....

 Ir has been cloudy for most of the day. We still warmed up to 88 degres F. by afternoon.  The crowded sky did scatter after an hour or two. 

I did see fluttering of something out with the zinnias. I had to stand still and just watch to see if I really did have a butterfly. My cell phone was all that I had with me and it did help me pick out an image. 

I hope that this is a begging of a migration.  I saw a monarch a couple of days ago at the sunflowers but it didn't stick around for very long.

I have been watering the petunias in the area and it caused the day lily to bud and bloom. It is unusual but welcomed anyway.

I shared yesterday that I had not had any time to deadhead my roses.  I had forgotten that the pink one doesn't really care about that. As you can see there are new buds all over the stem of this one part of the rose. I have three or four areas that have buds. I will have new blooms soon. 

It is great not to be at the hospital anymore. My wife is weary from the procedures that were done yesterday. Resting and healing continues each day. The quiet is still amazing and there are not people running everywhere at our house night and day.   Thanks for stopping by today.

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