I know I have shared these little guys before, but they just speak to me. I am setting outside with the dogs and look over at these guys, and I just have to go get my camera. I rescued them from the garbage of a neighbors house. The little rabbit lost an ear, but they are nice little sculptures. I know I need to get out more and see the European sculpture scene. I must be desperate for three dimensional art work.

For those who are following our seasons from afar, here is the old silver maple now with not a leaf. The tree needs to be trimmed up by an arbor expert, but they charge big bucks by the branch.

My dad tore three different houses down in Iowa and built houses with the used lumber. He used the large pieces for the floor beams and save a lot of money by doing so. I guess I took for granite that people knew about these square nails. They are called forged nails. These nails were holding my siding on the house.
Somewhere in Boston, (I saw this on PBS), they removed a floor from a large famous music hall stage, and replaced it with new lumber. To be sure that they didn't change any of the conditions of the music hall, they used new forged nails like this as that was what was originally used. So they are still making forged nails. Boston may have been the wrong city but it was a major city, and on a good day I can recall where they actually did the work.
I have a few more pieces of siding to remove and then I will start cutting a new hole for this larger window. No rain is predicted and the temps will be in the low 60's. Thanks for reading.....
Your weather sounds perfect for your window project.
Your little garden friends are adorable regardless of an ear missing. They make you feel happy just looking at them.
Your trees are works of art without their leaves.
Have a nice weekend ~ FlowerLady
My house isn't old enough to have square nails, but I remember my uncle gave my dad a box of them when I was a kid. The had torn down an old slave house and moved part of it to become their new house. We always had those nails kicking around the place. Hope your window install is going smoothly.
Thanks for that additional information on the nails Larry. As always, quite fascinating.
God's speed on the window project...it will look so different when you are done!!
This tree is very tall !
It is beautiful without leaves, it is a beauty special for winter
And by the time you fix the house, the spring will come back.
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