Friday, November 26, 2010

Eggplant, novelty species........

My neighbor gave me the seed for this novelty type plant called an Easter Egg Plant.  I had minor success with them and I have now harvested them and destroyed the plants.
I was given a regular eggplant this year from another neighbor and I believe these little guys are from the exact same family as they have the same kind of leaves.

As a last minute effort, I had to throw the door away but I wanted to save the knob and plate.  I found my circular saw made fast work of it and I now have the whole thing ready for me to reuse on my antique front door of my house.

Thanks for stopping by............


Anonymous said...

I love the knob and plate. That is going to be a treasure on your front door.

Cute egg plants too.

Far Side of Fifty said...

Cute eggs..I like the door knob you have the key?:)

The Retired One said...

Lovin that doorknob and plate!