The very first bloom of the morning glories was a couple of days ago. We just have not had normal growing weather this summer. The other vine that I have planted may not ever bloom. I will check them this morning and see if any other blooms will be happening.
I keep taking photos of the same 10 or 12 blooms that I have on the zinnias. They do change in shape a little as they mature and they photograph as different colors as the the time of the day varies. I have refused to tie them up to a stake but it may happen today. I will be out there and it is too cold for the mosquitoes to be out.
It is an interesting study to understand how a flag can be wrapped up on a slanted pole. What ever windy weather that we have been having it seemed to twirl up the flag about 8 times. A vertical flag pole like the ones my three different neighbors always unfurl because gravity helps them out in straightening it out.
Holding my camera in one hand and using my left hand I was able to unwind it.

The birch is having a good year. The leaves are holding their own right now and not one leaf looks like it is turning. My chokecherry tree has leaves that are a muted red-brown right now that are starting to turn red.
This silver maple has a dead trunk that is ready to fall. There is nothing underneath it and they usually fall straight down. I will just have to wait for it. The trees are getting to the point that they need to be taken down.
The fish are enjoying some food that I tossed them. There are a couple of apples that are floating in there from the nearby apple tree. I have seen some aquarium shops that would drop pealed sections of orange and apples for tropical fish to nibble on as a treat.
I have lots of projects started and nothing finished. That is one thing that can drive me insane. I will probably just go mow the yard and figure out what to do next. I will have to wear warm clothes while I push the mower around as it is very cold. I turned the furnace on this morning to take the chill off and will now turn it back down. It will get up to the upper 70's today.
Maybe I should put some air in my tires and go for a bike ride. No, not today. Thanks for stopping by today.
Looking good. My morning glories were early this year though....:)
love the zinnias - that is one plant that has been requested on the historic property.
Morning glories and zinnias and flags all just beg to be photographed. Nice shots!
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