Saturday, March 15, 2025

A Cool Down......

We had lots of wind and very little rain. It has dropped from 75 degree F. weather to now 42 degree F. temps.  One has to readjust to that very cold again. It isn't comfortable now even with a coat.



I had to take down my shelf and redesign it. It was not secured to the wall well enough to allow me to display some of my pottery on it.  It took me two days to find just the right piece of wood to add to the back to let me really safely secure it.  It isn't a planned display but I put some up just to say I succeeded with the redesign. 

 The workshop now has sawdust in it again. I need to clean it all up. It was too stormy or too cold to take my wood outside to be cut. 

Thanks for stopping by today.


Far Side of Fifty said...

Oh I liked the warmer weather too:)

Val Ewing said...

Your woodworking skills are amazing! Wish I had just enough skill to to a tiny bit of that!