Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Tuesday Today....


It is one of those days when I needed to see the color red and the bright colors of the Peanuts characters. I am getting too old but I still can be entertained by these images. 

I rescued my sansiveria plants this morning by replanting them in better soil. I lost some of them so I added the different shorter variety along the front of them. 

I have an aquarium downstairs that at certain times of the year creates rainbows. The prism effect, refraction of light, takes place as the sun shines in onto the back of the aquarium and it cuts through on the side of it making a perfect clear rainbow. My robot thinks it must be special being lighted up like that.I don['t know how long it waas there but it was gone just minutes after I photographed it.

The warm weather is wonderful. I see I have one lone crocus bloom right now. Tulips are up and we are suppose to see a blizzard take place just north of us tomorrow. Tulips don't like ice storms so much but they are not bothered by snow.  We will see what tomorrow will bring. Thanks for stopping by today.


Far Side of Fifty said...

Nice rainbow! Your potted plant looks great! We are at home in the woods safe and sound:)

Val Ewing said...

Beautiful shots!