Monday, March 3, 2025

Monday, Monday.....

 The bottom of the stairs has blank walls so I am required to turn into an art gallery. Two out of three of the paintings are mine,  The iris is my wife's.

The painting is still in progress. I am adding sea gulls into the plan to add interst and lighten up some of the dark spaces. I took the morning off to take apart a toilet. I had to replace the floor seal as it was leaking. It was heavy work but the leaking water had to be stopped. I now have to go back and replace all of the floor tile as water was leaked between them all. I am thinking the people who installed the shower bumped into it and messed up that seal.

On the other side of the stairs wall is another display of artwork. My wife has two items and my boat paining is at the bottom right.  The gallery doesn't really bother things there as it is a landing before one goes upstairs so one doesn't bump into the artwork. 

 It feels warmer outside even though it isn't. I guess anything warmer than the windy very cold day we had on Sunday seems better.  We are looking at snow coming back again in the near future. Then I can use my snowblower again. It has been sitting, collecting dust for quite a while. Thanks for stopping by today. 

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