Thursday, March 13, 2025

Thursday's Things....

 I like Mrs. Potts. She is a character from a Disney movie who sings and toots out steam. She was a "Beauty and the Beast" star. You can't see her lipstick in this photo but you can see her one eye with eye shadow and long eyelashes. 

 She could pour some tea it his tea cup but it is very small. It looks like it came from a child's dish set. The painted scenes like this on this kind of dish is a collectible. I have just one piece so I guess I am not a collector of it. I must have grabbed it at a garage sale just because. 

Speaking of collections I did get the shelf made for my wife's small doll collection. The small dolls are the first ones, one doll each Christmas, until they stopped selling small dolls from this company. I then started buying her the bigger dolls each season.

The cactus continues to open up new blooms. It seems to be off season but yet I guess they do bloom whenever they conditions are just right. 

We warmed up to 70 degrees F. today. It is nice out there but we are still in a drought zone with lots of brown everywhere. Our future weather is unknown as with everyone else's. I am still going to hold back on outdoor projects.  Thanks for stopping by today.

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