Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Tuesday's Things.....

 I wanted a shot of the three in a row in open blooms. I couldn't get that as it was just too cold. And yet, the color and shapes of flowers against the new green and brown leaves does have a beauty of its own. 



The shot seems curious but the house finch was pulling one of its antics. They scramble back and forth and give me great unusual poses. He was looking down at the seed below and planning is means for landing there. 

They have a great song that is different than the wren. I have to think at first of which that it is but in most cases the house finch has a smoother sound. 

Our weather looks good for today. I like seeing the sun shine even though I wish it were a little bit warmer.  I  have taxes to take in soon and also now have a dental appointment for this afternoon.  I love how dental problems show up when you are busy. I have a bridge that is unglued.  I don't even remember when I had that put in but they did get me into a late appointment at  3:00. I was expecting that I would have to wait for many days. Having spent many bucks on my teeth this year I was thinking I was doing good for a few years. Nope, think again.

Thanks for stopping by today.

1 comment:

Far Side of Fifty said...

When you reach a certain age your body just falls apart! Hope you enjoy your birthday tomorrow...I sent a card but you never can tell when the pony express will deliver it!