Saturday, January 25, 2025

On A Saturday Afternoon....



My wife received flowers back in April for her birthday.  It was when she was in the hospital area where they would not let her have flowers in  her room  The two kind of flowers were a great variety as they have never stopped blooming since I brought them home. My wife has been able to enjoy they as they just continually boom. Kalanchoe is the name, after I gave it some thought.

This begonia was alongside of the one above and it too just keeps blooming. They must like their location in the window as both plants are a little bit different variety.

The starlings were hungry from all their flying during their migration. We were invaded by hundreds of them and not one picture can illustrate how many their were.

They would become frightened and all take flight in unison. They were on roofs of houses and then in the neighbor's yard. They then would stir and come back into our yard.  At  one time they all flew up and over our sun room making it look like we were in "The Birds" movie.


 My wife's swan creation is the ornament for the day. She made many of these a few years ago and sold them out of our art gallery as well as at craft shows. The material that she used was of material that reminds you of wedding dress cloth. 

It is a quiet Saturday and chores are being done. It is above freezing today and the sun is shining brightly. The height of my excitement for the day is the delivery of a new toaster oven.  We bought an inexpensive toaster over when we moved here and the one essential control dial broke. It did still sort of work but it was trial and error in setting it and one had to watch it, as the timer didn't work any more.  I had a few very well-done pieces of toast. We actually could warm dinner trays from the store in it but again we were never sure how it was going. A new appliance is always a good thing and having it delivered to the door is fun. There is an air fryer feature on it that we were sure about needing. It just seemed like we could go ahead and get it. 

I have been making mobiles again today. It will be an obsessive behavior that should die down soon. I found you can buy mobiles for sale on the internet. I am making two different kinds of them now different that the first one that I made. I am using my paper folded cranes on them because that is what I have available. Photos will come when all is done.

Thanks for checking in today.


Far Side of Fifty said...

Wow that is so many Starlings! That is a beautiful Swan!

The Furry Gnome said...

I always enjoyed origami paper folding.