I placed my geese back out into the yard for the rest of the winter. I had moved them into the iris flower bed when I was mowing months ago and I realized I want them back into view.
They are plastic replicas but they get the colors right on them. They are convincing as to be real if you don't stare at them. I do have a great shot of them standing in knee deep snow last winter. This morning they were getting wet from a light rain.
As I have been sharing glass things in the past I guess I can share this footed bowl. I just took out the pine centerpiece that was in it and it sits empty. This belonged to my mom and I remember it when she served fluffy salads or fresh fruit in it for special occasions. I have other pieces like this that also cam from the family. They were inexpensive pieces that a housewife could have and feel like they were serving in special fancy ware.
Elegant chore girl is here feeding the geese The trend for this type of ceramic pieces were a fad for a while and we would pick them up once in a while and collect them. There was a company, Lladro, that made similar styled and glaze colors on them but they were priced in the high end price range.
I tried a new paper folding item. The swans look a lot clunky but I did figure it out. I don't remember the steps on it so I would have to follow the internet instructions again if I wanted to make more. I don't want to make more or need to make more. I hung my third mobile today in the downstairs room of cranes and I won't make any more. I did try to do another folded piece that looked like two swans facing each other. I stopped trying to do it after I realized that they skipped sharing some steps in the middle of the directions. The person sharing the process was using an Asian money bill for his paper.
We are warmer again today. It is a winter thaw and it will turn winter again. I have relatives in Missouri with a lot of snow everywhere and blogger friends in Canada with lots of snow. We have a stray small snow pile that has yet to melt, otherwise we don't look like winter.
You`ve got no snow at all!
Your snow left!
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