Friday, March 14, 2025

Unfriendly Weather to Come....

 The moon last night in the early evening was hazed over causing this glow. It looks like a photo of the sun but it is the moon.

As the evening progress it was showing up more like this. The haze is still there and fortunately the clouds cleared later on.

And then it did cleared up in the sky and this shows you it really was the moon up there.  I didn't get up to take the eclipse. 

If this were really used as a wind weather vane it would be spinning around wildly today. We have a prediction of 60 miles an hour winds this evening. Today we are so warm that I turned on the air in the house. I figure normally the heat would be running so turning on the air can suffice when it is too hot in the house. 

I worked outside this morning after getting groceries and meds. My neighbor's fence needed a repair and I did it so he wouldn't have too. Unfortunately for him is the fence is old and one of the posts has rotted off.  The part I fixed was a loose board and dislodged two by fours that needed reinforced and reattached.  It will be a good fix for now.  With the rotted post, it is fortunate to have mylarge bush on my side that holds back the whole section.

Thanks for stopping by today.


Far Side of Fifty said...

It must have been nice and warm for you to use AC! Supposed to get windy here tonight!

Val Ewing said...

It got to 79 at our house, I opened the windows and let the breezes fly through.
That was warm!
I know the winds were pretty rough last night, hope you have a great weekend.