Sunday, August 11, 2024

Checking In.....

 It is 6:00 am and this was the best view for the whole morning. The color was gone in fifteen minutes. 

Dinner plate hibiscus is a great flower and it is in the middle of its bloom cycle. My plant has not grown tall like others but I like it where it is planted. 

I was late in getting the zinnias planted but they did finally come through with all the great colors and textures. I should see more butterflies if they ever show up anywhere. 

They started in the morning tearing it all off the roof of a neighboring house. Then they start the process of replacing it.  They were still hammering at 6:00 pm and then it got quiet.  They played nice music and the had a crew of eight or more men. 

The temps have been good the past few days. It is nice to have it cool off at night. Thanks for stopping by today.


Far Side of Fifty said...

Such vibrant flower color!

Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

I like the colour of the flowers, I hope the workmen across the road don't make too much noise

Val Ewing said...

Wow, those beautiful flowers and colors!
I'm sure glad they got that roof done quickly!