Sunday, August 25, 2024

No Fun in the Sun....




The mourning doves were happy that I refilled the feeder. I can't tell which ones are the adults and ones that are young new fledglings.  We have lots of mourning doves. 

The hummingbirds seem to be at war for most of the day, one trying to drive another away from the sweet water. I know that there are at least two of them out there but there could be more.

I have the one zebra finch. He is a puzzlement to me. He has the band on his front chest but he isn't growing out the orange patches on the side of his head.  I read that they need to go through a molting period and then the you one can truly be identified as a male or female. I do think it is trying to crow which does  mean it is a male. If I get confident that it is a male I will go out and buy a female partner for it. I keep taking pictures of it and comparing it to my bird book and the internet photos. No female has that band on it when I look at the pictures of females. 

We are at 95 degrees F. at 56% humidity.  It is not comfortable to be outside. The one pool of the neighbors has three grand kids having a great time. The families of the other two must be staying inside with the air conditioning. I am inside for sure. Thanks for stopping by today. 


Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

Such lovely birds

Far Side of Fifty said...

Hot here too stay cool!

KCD said...

I was in Iowa one summer around the 4th of July and the temps and humidity were something else. You are wise to be inside in the AC on those kind of days. It is hot here in Northern CA, but the humidity is usually in the teens, so it is not quite so uncomfortable