Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Many Things to Share......

 My collection of round things got a new addition to it today. I was cleaning in the workshop and moving things around and I found it.  

It was dirty as if it had fallen into a mud puddle. I can't believe I moved it here that way but it did get a bath. It was mixed in with a random tools container.  That probably should not have been done to it but the soap and water cleaned up the baseball along with a good scrub brush. I do know where it came from but I will spare you the story. 

I had to dress warmly this morning before going out to take photos. I took more shots that I probably will ever to be able to share. The zinnia patch is taking off now with lots of blooms.

It was worth the wait for the zinnias being planted this year. It is my traditional flower bed now and I really enjoy it.  I hope we get some butterflies from it. The hummers have already found it and are feeding there. 

The front yard view is looking good since I trimmed out all the unwanted tree starts. The red roses are on their second bloom cycle. I have trimmed back the locust tree some but it looks like I may have to cut some more.  I like the look actually of the low hanging branches. 

My cell phone has changed the color of the dinner plate hibiscus.  They actually are pink but this is the color it pick up.  I will get out my camera and capture the true color for tomorrow. The hibiscus seems to be late this year. I have been watering it to encourage it. 

The front yard cone flowers survived our thunderstorms but they are starting to look pretty weathered. It was a cool day for most of the day today. It is welcomed after all that high heat of the past few days. The State Fair starts on Thursday and it might have good weather for it for some of the time. I will watch a show about the fair daily on PBS rather than go.  Thanks for stopping by today.