Saturday, August 24, 2024

Humid and Hot....


It was beautiful out there this morning when I took the shot. It was not long until the day turned out to  be very humid and hot. 



It has taken a long time for these morning glories to bloom that were in the planters next to the fancy trellis. 

Hardy geraniums are not very hardy this year. They are watered well enough by me but they just aren't blooming well. 


We got a new refrigerator. The one we had that came with the house stopped working.  There is a whole story around all of this but I will spare you the drama.  It is a nice new one but it takes 24 hours to get it to do real cooling. We are still waiting. The new engineering requires the oil in the coils to get readied to cool the fridge. We are still waiting for it to get cold. I think the guy forgot to turn it on so I did mess with it last night and turned it on. It has some great design features but the door opening up against the wall is a big problem. I can't fix that without getting a smaller cupboard on the right of it, both top and bottom.  We won't be able to ever get to the ice bin but it does dispense ice in front. I am working on that problem.

Thanks for stopping by today.


Far Side of Fifty said...

Oh my looks like a design problem. Those double door fridges need lots of room. Stay cool, it was warm here today also.:(

Val Ewing said...

I may be old fashioned but I like the old refrigerators that are super simple with nothing but a little freezer on top.

That looks enormous! Hopefully you get it all worked out.
I hear that buying new appliances can be a real pain.

Your flowers look great. My geraniums don't seem to really love the weather this year too!

KCD said...

Looks like a tight fit. Maybe pull it out from the wall a little to let the door clear. You will eventually need to get into the ice maker for some reason. Mine every once in a while goes on a walkabout and makes too much ice and I have to get in there and clean it out before it will work again.