Thursday, August 22, 2024

Thursday's Things....

 There was a sun in the sky but it was  covered by clouds in the time that I took to get my camera. Its up there as you can see the white cloud being lighted up by it. 



Yes it does grow like a weed but when the owner is friendly with them he lets them bloom. I sometimes can't see the tomatoes with the vines everywhere shielding the view. 

I am getting more tomatoes than I can use. I am looking for a person or two to share them with soon. The big boys and big girls aer not large this year. My yellow tomato is my best producer. 

While I sat and rested on the patio I watch this guy work towards me from the distant flower garden. He sat very still for long periods of time to check out his surrounding. Eventually he scampered over to the deck stairs where he climbed up to the birdseed on the deck. 


I mowed my front yard this morning and had to wear a parka to keep warm.  It did eventually warm up and I had to shed the parka while pulling weeds.  I boxed up gift plants for my two brothers this morning to ship to them.  They have different climates from me but I can send iris to them.  One of them I sent agapanthus as it grows well in California. It will grow wild for him there and it will bloom.  My brother in Arizona sort of can grow iris but he has to place it at just the right place and nurture it a lot. I sent an indoor plant to each of them also as I have too much of it and I want to share. Thanks for stopping by today.

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