Thursday, August 8, 2024

Collections of Useless Things.....

 Bottles collected from a burn pile of a farmstead. When things were empty they were just thrown in the trash. When the trash was burned the jars would just fall out of the trash and lay among the ashes.  I recognize the kinds of bottles here including pills and face cream. 

My dad was gifted the five gallon stornware jug as a gag gift.  The friends that gave it to him would pick them up for a quarter at farm sales. The others have history but I don't care to share their stories. Pickles would be stored in the open mouth one for long periods of time with a cloth spread over it to keep out insects.

 While cleaning up my storeroom/workshop I found this ceramic turtle. I think I use to place it in flower pots next to plants as a decoration.  It has been a long time since I have seen it. 

Made in Mexico means my parents maybe picked this up forty years aga. It has a nice glaze on it and it is about four inches across on the bottom of it. 

I spent time downstairs dusting and rearranging our art wall gallery this morning.  I haven't done it for a while but I needed to straighten and move things to be better placed on the wall. I really needed to dust everything. The below shot is one of the two walls of artwork. 


I will share more about our display of original works by my wife and also myself. It is fun to put them up rather than store them in boxes. My paintings are few in number as I do too many other things. I have pottery on display as well as all my wood creations.  My wife paints most all of her time, less time per day since she has been ill. She has completed a painting since she has been home from rehab health center and she has another one almost done. A third one has been started.

Thanks for stopping by today.


Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

So many of us have collections of useless things, your look good though

The Furry Gnome said...

Love all of it! Jars, Old jugs, your own artwork!

Far Side of Fifty said...

Fun stuff! Glad that Della is back to painting again!

Val Ewing said...

Those are some pretty awesome useless things. I have old medicine colored bottles that I use as a bud vase for very small flowers.