Thursday, August 15, 2024

Thursday's a Good Day......


The same rabbit frequents my backyard. I don't have an enclosed backyard so they travel back and froth from across the street. This is the rabbit that some people couldn't see hiding in the background of my photo I shared yesterday.

While mowing the yard in the back today I saw an eastern tiger swallowtail.  I couldn't stop mowing to get the camera for some sound reasons so I went back later.  It wasn't in sight but this small butterfly was all over the zinnias.  I don't remember the name of them but I remember it is a short name. The swallowtail was beautiful. 

This is another wild life shot of a dove that just didn't want to be near me.  It kept peaking up over the step. I picked up the view of the plastic Canadian goose in the background which made it kind of a humorous. 

My glads are just now starting to bud and bloom. This is a shot of it in the wild but I have since cut it and have it sitting on my dining room table.  It warmed up today and the rains have stopped for a while. We are told we got a lot of rain the past two days but I really don't think that we did. It was spotty in nature. 

Thanks for checking in today....


Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

My Thursday was also good but it didn't have pretty flowers like yours did

Far Side of Fifty said...

Oh what a pretty Glad!

Val Ewing said...

That goose looks like he is ready to chase the dove! Beautiful flowers!