Monday, August 19, 2024



 We have been having clear nights the past few days so I have to take the shots. It lights the night with the moon summer moon.

The leaking birdbath has proved to be a great display for the moss rose. It blooms in parts and rarely have I ever seen it all in bloom at one time. 

 My cone flowers are at their last blooms. All of them have faded colors at this time of the season.

 I keep my eyes open for butterflies at the zinnias. It isn't proving to be a great year for them to feed there. I do see the hummingbirds feeding there mostly. The swallowtail that I saw last wee was there for such a short time and never has returned. 

We have hot and humid weather today and our week is going to get to be very hot. The grass is slowing down in its growth but it is looking a little bit shaggy.  I have been working inside mostly these past two days.  I did pull some grass out of an area of the flower garden but it wasn't a major workout. Thanks for stopping in today.


Val Ewing said...

I haven't seen many swallowtails or Monarchs either this year. I did see the Swallow Tails when the bee balm was blossoming.
The hummers are crazy busy on all of the flowers and especially on the 4 O'clocks in the evening and early morning.

I still have Orioles hanging out which is odd.

Far Side of Fifty said...

Not many butterflies up here either. Hot, humid and smoky is what is happening here today.

KCD said...

According to the web, last night was a super moon and also a blue moon. Doesn't happen too often, but the next 3 full moons are also supposed to be super moons, but no blue moons.