Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Tuesday's a Thing.....




I have enough tomatoes that I can give them away.  I sent away some yellow tomatoes and four or five roma tomatoes. Its nice to send them to where they are appreciated.



 I am sharing another one of my long lost artworks.  It has been in the portfolio where it was placed as I had to pirate the glass from it to use on a frame job in our frame shop a few years ago. It is Shovel Point that extends out into Lake Superior along the north shore. We had to hike down a high hill to get to a very rocky area to see the whole view of it.

I mowed the front yard this morning. It was cool and I had to wear a parka to cut the chill. I will mow the back tomorrow and I will be glad it is all done.  The grass is doing good with rains but it is starting to age now and not look so great as it did in the spring time. I have some weed control that needs to be dealt with soon.  Thanks for stopping by today.



Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

Nice bird, nice painting, nice blog

Far Side of Fifty said...

Nice painting, I have sat on those rocks and looked out at that point.

Val Ewing said...

Nice to see the hummingbirds! Ours are feeding like crazy and must be getting ready to migrate.