Saturday, August 10, 2024

I Am Back....

 It has been cool enough that the morning glories stay open until late afternoon. They usually close up as soon as the heat from the sun hits them.

The dinner plate hybiscus doesn't like the colder weather. It has its buds opening but most of them haven't opened until noon. I had remembered that the flower was a pink but no it is a light magenta. I do think at one time I wished it was red but this is a good color. 



I saw my first monarch butterfly today. I had only my cell phone with me. So I got a big shot and had to crop it down. I ended up with a blurry shot.  I  was just glad I could think fast enough to grab the phone and open it up soon enough. The butterfly did flash its wings while eating but I didn't get that. 

I found some lost artworks that I created and somehow didn't get them photographed. I could have taken shots and lost them in their transfer from camera to computer.  It was quite a long time ago. Anyway I will share one today.

 Split Rock Lighthouse on the Northern Shore was painted many years ago. It was framed and hanging on the wall until I had to pirate its glass to use in an urgent frame job in our frame shop.  I found it in a folder that we had moved here to the new house. I looked for it because I realize it wasn't hanging on the wall in our gallery at the new house. I will frame it again.

Lots of things going on and I missed blogging yesterday. I see the world didn't stop still. Thanks for checking in today.


Far Side of Fifty said...

Great painting of Split Rock Lighthouse! Oh that Hibiscus is a stunning color!

Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

Pretty flowers and I liked the lighthouse painting as well

Val Ewing said...

Wonderful painting! Oh and I noticed that my morning glories are staying open until mid morning now and showing off in all of their blue hues!
Love your flowers!

KCD said...

Again I am envious of your beautiful flowers. The heat has kind of cooked everything here this summer in Northern CA. As it is a Mediterraean climate here, no rain since the end of May. We are running the irrigation as usual, but the heat is just beating everything down.