Monday, November 5, 2018

Monday, a Normal Daylight Day...

A few roses are doing well in this cold weather as they are shielded while being close to the side of the house.  I think that looks like a bud in the left of the photo.

The mums are not liking the wind and cold rains. They are starting to nose dive down rather than staying straight.

The golden privet that I moved from the old place is doing well in my clay soil. I really don’t t think I have ever seen the leaves make color changes in the fall before now.  The shrub is there to help cover up the view of the gas meter and does have protection from the weather on the southeast side of the house.

I have seven or more red twig dogwoods along the fence.  I noticed this year that two of them are different colors than the bulk of them. I really like the yellow of its leaves.

All the rest of the redtigs actually have red leaves on them. I will watch closer now and see if the branches are all red in the winter or if a couple of them have yellow stems. Since I didn’t plant any of them I just have to learn as I live here longer.

An inch and a half of rain is what happened over the last few days of sprinkles. The dirty wheelbarrow hasn’t been cleaned  up yet for winter but I can get to it now with the free water.

One of the boys of my Philippino’s friend help me assemble this a few years back.  He was a cute little guy helping me by holding the bolts and offering directions.  We saw the small boy on Thursday last week and the guy has grown up to be as tall as me.  That makes him taller than his father, who is from the high country people of the Philippines, That group of people are short.  Isaiah is taller than his mother too who is from the Pella, Iowa area.  Isaiah has graduated from putting wheel barrows to learning to play the violin. He has a deep voice and is still quiet and all smiles.

The honeysuckle vine is showing great yellow color right now.  The plant as a whole did not bloom much this year but it is going to be colorful this fall.

I am doing chores around the house today.  I don’t like all the sprinkles and cold.  I don’t know if I can get to work outside.  I hope everyone will have a great Monday on this normal light day.  Thanks for stopping by today.

1 comment:

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Staying indoors is a great idea and maybe more coffee and cheap cookies would help?